Welcome to 2K Archery!
2K Archery has its roots in 2 Kings 13:15-17, which speaks of "The LORD'S arrow of victory". That's a passage found in the the Bible. The Old Testament book of 2 Kings describes a time when God's people were at war with their enemies. God sent a messenger to the leader of His people and that messenger spoke about "The LORD'S arrow of victory." What he was saying is that the key to victory in the battles they were fighting and against the enemies they were facing was the LORD. God is the one who gives victory! That was true on the battlefield a few thousand years ago, and it is still true in our lives today.
The key to victory in any battle you might be facing in life is the LORD! You may never find yourself on a literal battlefield with bombs and bullets all around you. Perhaps the battles you face are a bit closer to home and a lot more personal. Some of us battle with marriage troubles, family problems, or health concerns. For others, it might be problems at work or with unemployment. Some people battle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Although the specifics may vary, these battles are very real. But the good news is: you don't have to go it alone. There is help available and victory is possible! But remember, the key to victory is the LORD. God is the one who gives victory! Just as He helped Israel defeat their enemies on that battlefield in 2 Kings, He will help you too - no matter what your battle might be. All you have to do is be willing to turn to Him and trust in Him.
In 1 Corinthians 15:57, the Bible points out that victory (in any circumstance) is found through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ (God the Son) was born about 2,000 years ago. He lived this life and experienced all of the struggles, temptations, hardships, and battles that we do. He was falsely accused, wrongly arrested, illegally convicted, and ultimately sentenced to death by crucifixion. But He willingly faced those battles and died on the cross to pay the price for the things that we've done wrong. Jesus never sinned, but we certainly have. Not one of us can legitimately claim that we are perfect, flawless, and sinless - that's a battle we lose all the time. The bad news is that sin has a pricetag - it must always be paid for. But the good news is that Jesus willingly suffered and died on the cross to pay the price for our sins, so that we don't have to. His followers buried His body in a tomb carved out of rock. But three days later, Jesus rose from the dead to seal the victory over sin and death and it's grip on our lives! The One who was sinless paid the bill for our sins! By doing that, He defeated the powerful enemies of sin, death, Hell, and the grave once and for all! Jesus paid the debt we owe and won the battle that we could never win. Now He wants to willingly extend His victory to you - He welcomes you to share in the win - if you will simply: Admit that you are not sinless and that you need Him for victory; Believe or trust in / accept the fact that Jesus paid for your sins through His death, burial, and resurrection; and then simply Choose, to invite Christ into your life, become part of God's family, and begin your journey as a brand new follower of Jesus!
You can do that right now, right where you are. Just take a moment and pray - talk to God in your own words - and tell Christ that you want to trust in Him and invite Him into your life. If you are not exactly sure of how to pray or what to say, you can use a simple, sample prayer like this . . .
"Dear LORD Jesus, I realize that I'm not perfect, and I admit that I have sinned; LORD, I've done things wrong. But I understand that You love me so much that You died on the cross to pay for my sins, and You rose from the dead to win victory over sin and death, and LORD I believe that. LORD Jesus I trust in You, and You alone as the only way of forgiveness, and I ask you to please forgive me. LORD Jesus please come and live in my life, and be my LORD and Savior, and make me part of God's family, and help me to follow You; as I pray these things in Your name, Amen."
If you just prayed in your own words, or if you used that sample prayer to tell Christ that you are trusting in Him, and if you were GENUINE in turning to Him, the Bible now describes you as a "child of God" according to John 1:12. In other words, you are now part of God's family! But not only that, the Bible also describes that God has forgiven and removed all of your sins, you are guaranteed a home in Heaven when this life is over, and you now share in the victory that Jesus won over the sins, temptations, and struggles that come your way in this life. That doesn't mean that life will be perfect or that you will be sinless from this point on. The fact of the matter is, you will probably still experience a fair amount of struggle and temptation. But the good news is that Christ will be with you to help you through the problems and the battles that come your way.
If you have questions, if you would like more information, if you would like to speak with someone about your decision to turn to Christ and trust in Him, or if you would like to know how you can begin to grow in your faith, please feel free to get in touch with us by clicking here.
God bless you and remember - the key to victory is the LORD! No matter what battles you may face, God is the one who gives victory!